Ambassador on Iraq atmosphere: 'Fear'

Ryan Crocker, the top U.S. diplomat in Iraq, made clear the situation in Baghdad: the atmosphere is fear.

"We need to stop concerning ourselves with Co2 emissions, and start thinking about the mass release of anxiety," he went on. "Fear is coming out of people -- out of mouths and and noses, eyes and ears, and then getting trapped under the green zone and heated by extremism and gun fire."

When asked whether or not fear has a global impact on the atmosphere, Crocker said, "Let me put it this way -- the ozone stays in place because of a sense of well being and comfort. If we were to rock that somehow, to scare it -- it could go into a frenzy of whatever it does, I don't know."

The top diplomat in the Ozone added, "Fear is a growing concern. It's exponential, really. The more there is of it, the more afraid we get. It just kind of speeds up. When you throw unrest and insubordination into the mix -- it's a powder keg up here."

Others enjoy the climate change. "It's good for the skin," one Iraqi says. "It kind of bastes you like a meat." One entrepreneur is even cashing in on it. "I've been filtering the oxygen out and selling just the pure fear through tubes at my Anxiety Bar. People suck it down and either run screaming through the streets or cower in the corner for an hour. You kind of need it after work."

And for the kids? Balloons -- fear floats.

According to one child, "It's better than helium."

Yet, Mr. Crocker says fear isn't a toy, but rather a dangerous and combustible gas. He is expected to release an atmospheric improvement plan by late September.

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